
How did I meet my best friend?

It's quite a long story which happened about 10 years ago. I was 13 and about to start studing at new school. It was the time when I got interested in videogames for the first time. My brother in law bought me Tomb Raider Legend for birthday after hours of playing together in the older games from Tomb Raider series. I started to play and I loved this so much so I wanted to know the plot of other games that I haven't yet explored. The best place to watch someone playing was of course YouTube (Now, Twitch seems more popular). It was something new for me because I really didn't use it in that time so much. So after I typed the name of the (in that period) newest TR game, I clicked the first video that had showed up. And it was Roksana's or, as I prefer call her, Kimczi's creation. She was 15 and she was creating gameplays with her commentary on. I liked her voice a lot and she was so funny! After I saw one part of her walkthrough I wanted to see more. I was so ...

My thoughts about working at the cinema

                I've never thought that I would ever work in a cinema. I'm interested in cinematography for about 3 years so I was frequent guest of the local cinema. I observed the work of the young people there and I loved the atmosphere of this place. Then I had an opportunity to start my part-time job there and I regret nothing!                 I'm part of a huge company. I bet you all know this cinema (maybe you even watched a movie there) but I won't give you its name. I was so scared of this place and at the same time so fascinated by it. Most of the employees are students like me. Everyone is so kind. In the beginning I had big problems with remembering our computer program (I'm a cashier, so if you want a ticket, you should visit me). It wasn't that much complicated but we had a lot of rules and discounts to remember. But now ...

My amazing adventure with fiction writing

Hi, guys! I have really bad memory and I've forgotten about this assignment. I feel very ashamed but I hope it's not too late to write here. Following the known rule "New year, new me" I'll try to catch up on all the posts. Today's topic is very personal. I would like to tell you about my favourite hobby - writing. Creating stories always was my thing. It's a bit funny when I think of it because when I was young I didn't like to read at all. It was really hard to convince me to touch a book. I was reading only the W.I.T.C.H. comic but still it wasn't a literature. However, I used to love watching tv cartoons. What's more, there's still my big love for some titles that I find very interesting like Avatar: The last Airbender ( the best cartoon show that I've ever seen, you really should check it). I was so into the created worlds and stories that I started to imagining how things could go, in different ways than in the show of course...

Why is Queer Eye always making me cry?

                  Today I'll present you the most adorable TV show. It's available on Netflix, so if you watch on this streaming platform, you should definitely check out at least one episode! My first experience with this is quite funny. I'm kind of a person who really needs to hear someone talking when cleans. It was the time when I came back my house after 3 years of studying in Wrocław. I needed to unpack my stuff which filled my whole room. It was a full day of work. So I decided to play Queer Eye (which Netflix was always suggesting me) to listen during the cleaning and unpacking. That was such a BAD idea because when I glanced for a moment, later I couldn't focus on my task, I really needed to watch this amazing show! In the end I spent all day watching the show instead of unpacking. Are you still dubious? I'll respond for few questions to make you interested 1. What is Queer Eye?              ...

Silent Hill 2 as a perfect game to play in Spookoctober (but I recommend you to play this every time of year)

                Today's topic is about my favourite videogame . Silent Hill 2 was created by Team Silent from Konami studios and it's considered as the best survival horror game of all the time. Why am I writing about it? I know that lots of people are afraid to play horror games but Silent Hill 2 is unique, psychological and, I could say, a masterpiece, so you should make an exception once. What if you're not a gamer? At least read my TOO short article about it (really, it's too short because I could write about this game for hours). 1. THE PLOT "James Sunderland's life has suddenly changed when his beloved wife Mary died. But three years later James received a mysterious letter. A letter from Mary. She wanted meet him on their special place. Now James must go to that place to find out the real truth and finish with his restless dreams. The time has come. The time for last sacrifice" This   is...

Perfect autumn evening for a socially awkward introvert (but extravert might enjoy it too)

Taken by my friend - Kamila  ( click here     to see  her  instagram) Some of you may have heard of " jesieniara " word which became very popular from the beginning of October - first full month of autumn. It's new polish term for the girl who really loves this period of time. It's used by young people in funny way. People who can laugh from theirselves adore this word. I could say I'm the " jesieniara " type. Here's short test to check if you also are one of our autumn lovers family: you love leaves and observe how they change colours with admiration; you're really happy with the rain (the most when it rains when you're at home); you drink a lot of tea (and add some flavours like slice of orange, rosemary, ginger etc.); you try to wear jumpers all the time; candles, candles and.... candles, of course! These are only some of signs but they're the first ones that I've got in my mind. If you know some jesieniara ,...